
Join Dan Whitlock as he answers some questions about the Buffalo Roundup at Custer State Park. Dan participated in the 2023 trip to the Black Hills Buffalo Roundup and graciously agreed to share what he discovered. Lifelong Learning will be taking the trip to the Black Hills for the Buffalo Roundup from September 25-28, 2024. Some questions he will cover include:

  1. Buffalo or bison, which is the correct name?
  2. What is the scientific designation?
  3. What is the normal range of the North American Bison?
  4. What were the early population numbers and ranges?
  5. How were the bison connected to the indigenous peoples of North America, Native Americans?
  6. What were the traditional uses for bison?
  7. What caused the near extinction of bison?
  8. Why do we have the Buffalo Roundup at Custer State Park?

Come learn why the bison are still important today.