Encounters with Ancient Egypt

The civilization of ancient Egypt, which lasted from 3,000 B.C. to 332 B.C., before being conquered by Alexander the Great, continues to enthrall us. Egyptologist Mary Vaught will explore this fascinating world in images and words.

The Vizier Huy

Amenhotep-Huy was a vizier of Ancient Egypt during the reign of Amenhotep III. Besides being Amenhotep III's vizier, Amenhotep-Huy was also director and overseer of Upper and Lower Egypt. Amenhotep-Huy owned a tomb, K028, in the Theban necropolis. This tomb was located by Dieter Eigner and identified by Andrew Gordon in 1978 in El-Assasif, Thebes. In January 2023, sixty mummies were found in rooms connected to Huy’s tomb. Learn about Amenhotep-Huy’s life and death with insights from studies of his tomb and artifacts.

The Abydos Boats

The Abydos boats are the remnants of a group of ancient royal Egyptian ceremonial boats found at an archaeological site in Abydos, Egypt. Originally discovered in 1991, the boat excavation began in 2000, where fourteen boats were identified. Further research revealed remarkable new evidence regarding the wealth, power, and technological prowess of the earliest days of Egyptian civilization.