The Financial Aid Office at Western Iowa Tech Community College has completed the review of your financial aid application. This information has been prepared to provide you with options to help finance your education at Western Iowa Tech.

Read the following sections in this document:

  • Terms and Conditions of Your Offer
  • How to Pay for Classes
  • Cost Information
  • Work Study Program
  • Summer Semester
  • Enrollment Policies
  • Consequences of Withdrawal on Financial Aid
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial Aid Recipients

Late Start Classes and Aid Lock Dates

Financial aid for late start classes may not be applied to your account until the class has started. Student loan and Pell refunds will be delayed until attendance is verified.

Be sure to read the section on Aid Lock Dates.

If you have questions about the financial aid process, please contact Student Financial Services at 712.274.6402 or 800.352.4649, ext. 6402. Related general information is also available at

For information specific to your financial aid offer:

  • Log into MyWIT
  • Finances > My Financial Aid

Terms and Conditions of Your Offer

All early offers are made on the assumption of full time attendance for fall and spring semesters. Actual offer amounts (grants and loans) will be adjusted to your enrollment status as appropriate. If you enroll for less than full-time, some of your aid will be adjusted to coincide with you enrollment and charges. The amount listed on your offer notice is the annual offer amount. To determine the semester amount divide the total by two.

Full time 12 or more credit hours
Three quarter time 9-11 credit hours
Half time 6-8 credit hours
Less than half time 5 credit hours or less
(Credit hours associated with Testing Out or Audit do not count toward determining your enrollment status.)

Grants and scholarships will be directly credited to your charges as scheduled. If you were offered Work Study or are interested, see the Work Study section in this document. If you plan to borrow a student loan, refer to the Loan Information regarding student loans and how to apply for a loan.

Aid Lock Dates

For financial aid purposes, your official enrollment status is determined by the number of credit hours for which you are enrolled on the aid census date. Therefore, the addition of coursework after the census date will not increase your aid. The aid census date for Fall 2024 is September 4, 2024, Spring 2025 is January 28, 2025, and Summer 2025 is June 2, 2025. For an initial registration after the lock date, your offer will be calculated and locked simultaneously. Failure to participate in a class may change your enrollment status and result in a reduction of offers.

  • Any changes in enrollment status before or during the award year must be reported to the Financial Aid Office. These changes could affect the amount of assistance you may receive.
  • Failure to participate in a class for which aid was offered will result in a reduction of grant aid and possibly loan eligibility. This may create a balance due to the college.
  • If you receive any other sources of assistance not listed on the offer notice, you must notify the Financial Aid Office immediately. Adjustment of offer amounts may be needed according to governing regulations.
  • Offers are subject to change based on fund availability, and/or adjustments made to your financial need.
  • In the event state funds are insufficient to pay the full amount of each approved grant, the Iowa College Student Aid Commission has the authority to administratively reduce the offer to an amount less than the statutory maximum
  • The award year normally begins with the fall semester and ends after the Summer semester.
  • You must be participating in classes each semester for which aid is received.
  • If you will not be attending Western Iowa Tech Community College, please contact the Financial Aid Office to cancel awards. You can drop on line or by contacting the Registration Center to cancel your registration (712.274.6404) before the start of the semester to avoid charges.
  • Federal regulations require you to make satisfactory academic progress in your course of study to continue receiving financial aid funds. The aid listed on the offer notice may be canceled if you fail to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards as published in the College Catalog and in this enclosure.
  • If you must repeat a course to receive a passing grade, you can normally attempt it two times using financial aid. For a third attempt, the credit hours may not count toward your enrollment status and aid eligibility.
  • If you make false statements or misrepresentations in conjunction with your FAFSA application for financial assistance, you are subject to a fine or imprisonment, or both, under provisions of the United States Criminal Code.

How to Pay for Classes

Once you have registered, you are responsible for related tuition, fees, and other expenses (books, supplies, housing and meal plan). Payment using grants or processed student loans or the FACTS plan is due on the first day of class. Failure to make payment or payment arrangements will result in disenrollment from classes and/or removal from college housing.

Payment in Full

You may pay your full balance in person, by phone, or online.

  • Log into
  • Finances > My Account
  • Payment may be made with cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover at any of the Western Iowa Tech campuses.

TouchNet Payment Plan

Western Iowa Tech has a tuition payment plan option to accommodate the financial needs of students. It is not a loan program; therefore, you have no debt, there are no interest or finance charges assessed, and there is no credit check. The only cost to budget monthly payments through TouchNet is a $30 per semester non-refundable Enrollment Fee. The TouchNet payment plan is available on

  • Log into
  • Finances > Student Payment Center
  • TouchNet will accept payments by Automatic Bank Payments from checking or savings accounts, or by credit or debit card.
  • Additional information regarding the on-line application is provided by the Student Accounts office at Western Iowa Tech (712.274.8733, ext. 1210 or 1.800.352.4649, ext. 1210).

Cost Information

The Tuition & Fee cost is available online at and Western Iowa Tech housing cost at

  • Be aware: enrollment for less than 12 credit hours will decrease your charges, but may also decrease your aid eligibility according to regulation.
  • There may be additional course fees depending on your registration.
  • Be sure to consider books, supplies, tools, housing, meal plan and other living expenses when calculating your costs. Additional materials, tools or equipment will vary depending upon your program of study. Check with the individual department in order to plan for these costs.
  • You will need to plan for payment of books and supplies from your personal funds unless excess grant or loan funds will be available on your student account. You may be able to charge books at the Western Iowa Tech bookstore (if you have excess grants or have completed the loan process) ten days before the semester starts.

Work Study Program

  • The Work Study Program offers students opportunities for part-time employment on campus or off campus with community service agencies. Wages are paid through federal funds. You must demonstrate financial need.
  • The Work Study amount on your award offer indicates your eligibility for employment through the program but is not a guarantee of employment or earnings.
  • Students who are hired for on-campus jobs are paid the last day of the month for the hours worked in the previous pay period. The pay period cut-off is the 15th of each month.
  • Available job openings are posted on > Finances > Workstudy Jobs. If you wish to apply for an opening, contact the Financial Aid Office. Check regularly for an updated list of available jobs.

Summer Semester

  • Grants are initially awarded for fall and/or spring semesters only. Pell Grant may be available for attendance during the summer if you meet enrollment requirements. Students must contact the Financial Aid Office to determine summer grant and loan eligibility.
  • Most State of Iowa grants are only available for the fall and spring semesters.
  • The full-time enrollment status definition of 12 credit hours does not change for summer semester. Students must be enrolled half-time (6 credits) to be eligible for student loans.
  • Refer to your award offer for loan amounts available.
  • Contact the Financial Aid Office when you register for summer classes to determine what aid you may be eligible to receive during the summer.

(Paper copies of the following policies can be requested from Admissions.)

Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal from the College means withdrawal from all classes for a semester. The student must initiate the withdrawal process on MyWIT.

  • Log into
  • Academics > Student Planning
  • OR Complete the withdrawal form in a Registration Center, or by calling a Registration Center.
  • Refer to the Add/Drop/Withdrawal Policy in the College Catalog or online.

Institutional Refund Policy

The Institutional Refund Policy applies to all students. Students who stop attending and fail to officially withdraw will NOT receive a refund of tuition and fees under the Institutional Refund Policy. A schedule for refunding of tuition and fees is published each semester online.

Consequences of Withdrawal on Financial Aid

A student receiving federal financial assistance may have financial aid adjusted based on the date of official or unofficial withdrawal.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial Aid Recipients

The federal and state taxpayers and Western Iowa Tech have entered into an agreement with you by investing tax dollars in grants and loans for your education at Western Iowa Tech. According to the agreement with the federal and state taxpayers and Western Iowa Tech this investment places a serious responsibility on you to successfully complete your education in a timely manner. Satisfactory academic progress is calculated for all students at the end of each semester during the regular academic year. Students attending summer sessions are evaluated at the end of the second session.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards apply to all work attempted even though a student may not have been receiving financial aid. Your academic progress will be evaluated at the time of offering and before disbursement of aid.

Federal and state regulations require students receiving financial aid to maintain satisfactory academic progress. These standards are applicable to recipients of the following programs.

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • College Completion Challenge Grant (TRIO)
  • Federal Work Study Program
  • Federal Direct Student Loan Program
  • State of Iowa Grant and Scholarship Programs
  • Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship and Federal Veterans Benefits
  • Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

A student must complete his/her diploma or degree program while attempting not more than 150% of the credits required for a diploma or degree.

A minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average for ALL course work at WITCC is required. In addition, a student must successfully complete 67% of ALL credit hours attempted at Western Iowa Tech. However, a student whose cumulative credits earned is zero (0.00) will be suspended immediately.

Credit hours completed are:
“A” through “D-” grades
“P” passing with credit

Incomplete credit hours are:
“F” grades
“W” withdrawal
“AW” administrative withdrawal
“I” incomplete “
NP” not passing
“O Grades” Academic Renewal
“X” replaced Grades

A student is placed on financial aid Warning when he/she fails to maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or fails to complete 67% of all hours ever attempted or has attempted 80 credit hours or 84% of the hours required to complete a diploma or degree. A student on financial aid Warning continues to receive financial aid.

If a student does not meet the minimum levels by the end of the Warning semester or has attempted 96 credit hours or 150% of the hours required for a diploma or degree, the student is placed on suspension and therefore ineligible to receive further financial aid.

A student who is on suspension has the opportunity to appeal for reinstatement of eligibility. An appeal must be made in a format provided online at

  • Finances > My Financial Aid
  • Include any appropriate supporting documentation related to injury or illness, the death of a relative, or other special circumstances and an Academic Plan.

Your Academic Plan should be prepared with the assistance of your advisor. An Academic Plan should include the courses you plan to take by semester through the completion of your program. Be sure the plan is reasonable and achievable since any future appeals will be measured against your Academic Plan. If a student’s appeal is granted they must be making satisfactory academic progress to have any future appeals considered. Keep a copy of this plan for your records.

Appeals are referred to an Academic Progress Review Committee. The decision of the Review Committee is final. Results of your appeal will be sent to your Email account.

A student may return to satisfactory status when he/she regains a 2.0 cumulative GPA AND a completion rate of at least 67% of all hours ever attempted at Western Iowa Tech and has attempted less than 80 total credit hours. After returning to satisfactory status, a student must continue to maintain the appropriate cumulative grade point average AND completion rate according to the provisions of his/her Academic Plan or he/she will return to a Not Eligible status.

Transfer students may be evaluated for satisfactory progress prior to the first disbursement of financial aid funds. Cumulative GPA for transfer students is based on Western Iowa Tech academic work only. However, credits attempted at other institutions may be used to evaluate academic progress. Transfer credits must be considered in evaluation of program completion within the 150% time frame.

A student who withdraws from Western Iowa Tech and re-enrolls at a later date will return with a financial aid academic progress status as determined at the end of the semester in which he/she withdrew from Western Iowa Tech.

The Financial Aid Office will notify any student receiving financial aid that does not meet the minimum financial aid satisfactory academic progress standards and is being placed on Financial Aid Warning or Not Eligible status through their Email.

Additional Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Students Receiving Department of Veterans Affairs Education Benefits.

Initially, students receiving any Department of Veterans Affairs Education or Training Benefits are held to the same standards (GPA and Completion Percentage) and procedures (Filing an Academic Progress Appeal) listed above for Financial Aid Recipients. Students will be notified at the end of each semester or summer term if they are in a Warning or Not Eligible status.

Period of Non Enrollment Required

In addition, the Department of Veterans Affairs regulations require a period of non-enrollment at the point a student is determined to be Not Eligible. Students have the right to appeal. If the Academic Appeal Review Committee grants your appeal, you may continue to enroll and receive benefits. You must notify the VA School Certifying Official to have your VA record reactivated.

However, should you chose not to appeal or if your appeal be denied, VA regulations require you to sit out an enrollment period, interpreted by VA to be at least an academic semester or quarter. You may not continue to enroll, even at your own expense.

VA will be notified of your Not Eligible status. This status can affect your eligibility at a new school.

Procedure for Re-Enrolling

To be readmitted after a period of non-enrollment, the student must:

  • complete an application for admission
  • meet with an Academic Advisor and update their Academic Plan
  • submit a new Academic Progress Appeal Form detailing steps taken to meet academic progress standards

If your return appeal is granted, you must notify the VA School Certifying Official to have your VA record reactivated.

View the full Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy