Please complete this form with your $270 combined $20 non-refundable application fee and $250 deposit (online payment can be made after submitting the form). Your deposit is refundable with proper check-out.

Student Information

Parent Information

Parent/Guardian address if different than above.

Residence Hall Preference

Rate 1st choice through 3rd choice.
Please note: this is a preference only. We cannot guarantee placement in any particular building.

Learning/Living Communities

We have the option of learning communities in our housing. These communities allow you to live in an area of housing with other community members regardless of other roommate matching criteria. If you are interested in living in one of these communities, view the descriptions and make your choice below.

Nursing LLC - Description

Nursing LLC is for students exploring the profession of nursing, developing a community among other residents and members of nursing. The Nursing LLC allows residents to build social and academic connections with other nursing students. Meeting and living with people who are also pursing a nursing degree helps students build confidence and prepare for applying for the Nursing program. It allows residents to make connections with people they can create study groups with during their prerequisite courses and ultimately their Nursing courses.

The Arts LLC - Description

(Graphic Design, Transfer Majors, Band Instrument Repair, Audio Visual, Etc) - The Arts LLC develops a community among multiple fine arts degrees and interests. This community enhances the ability to learn and be creative along with connecting and building relationships amongst different majors. By joining, you will prosper in a community that connects socially and academically.

Police Science/Criminal Justice LLC - Description

Police Science/Criminal Justice - The Criminal Justice LLC enhances intellectual and personal development for criminal justice students interested in career areas such as Law Enforcement, Forensic Investigation, Probation and Parole, Corrections, Private Security, Loss Prevention, and Juvenile Justice. It allows residents to meet, live, and build with those pursing the same field of study.

Global LLC - Description

Global LLC students are passionate about understanding the world in all its diversity, from politics and religion to art, food, and science. Our community includes students from Indiana, the U.S. and around the world, creating a multinational, multicultural, and multilingual environment. Live, gather, learn from one another and build a strong community. Residents in this community are committed to developing and participating in educational and social opportunities that foster and flourish this multicultural environment.

Emergency Contacts

Roommate Matching Information

Be sure to provide as much information as possible in order to help us match you with compatible roommates.

While we attempt to match roommates with similar housing characteristics roommate matching is not an exact science. We make attempts to place you with roommates we believe will provide you with a positive experience. Should you have issues with any of your roommates, you are encouraged to speak to your roommates and make agreements to address the issues. If after speaking to your roommates the concerns persist, you are encouraged to speak to an RA or one of the Housing staff.

If the student is under the age of 18 years old at the time the agreement is signed, the parent/guardian must sign below.

I, the parent or guardian of the above named student, agree to pay charges due if default is made by said student in the payment of Campus Housing, Comet Bucks, or other related charges. This only applied when the student is under the age of 18 years old.

You will be notified of your room/roommate assignment in July when housing assignments are emailed. Housing assignments will be emailed to your email address and, if possible, to the personal email address indicated on this application.

Building preferences will be used as a guide to place students. There are no guarantees you will receive your preferred building. The Department of Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to change student's room assignments at any time.

Residence Life Handbook

By initialing here, you confirm the above information is correct and that you read and understood the Residence Life Handbook.