The College Now program gives high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. Western Iowa Tech partners with 25 school districts and provides dual-credit enrollment to over 2,500 high school students. Courses are held either online or at their local high school. To register for College Now, high school students should contact their high school counselor.

Benefits To Students

  • Earn both college and high school credit while still in high school. 
  • Exposure and exploration or various career options. 
  • No cost for tuition/fees for Iowa residents. Reduced tuition/fees for non-Iowa residents.
  • Minimal to no cost for college textbooks. 
  • $1,000 College Now scholarship to students with a 2.0 cumulative GPA in all college coursework who enroll full-time at Western Iowa Tech the semester after graduation.

Free Western Iowa Tech Opportunities and Services

  • Career Services
  • Counseling
  • Tutoring
  • Access to Robert E. Dunker Student Center
  • Campus Activities
  • Travel Opportunities
  • Library Services 


  • Freshman through Seniors are eligible for the program.
  • Iowa residents must follow all guidelines regarding eligibility from Iowa Senior Year Plus Legislation. 
  • Students are required to meet Western Iowa Tech ACT/Aleks requirements and any other course pre-requisite prior to registration. 

Course Options

  • Online courses.
  • Face-to-face courses at Western Iowa Tech campuses.
  • Face-to-face courses at your high school. 
  • See your counselor for a full list of available courses. 
  • Pathway Courses

How To Register

Students interested in College Now should contact their high school counselor for application and registration forms.

Transfer Programs


To order official Western Iowa Tech college transcripts after the course is completed, request a formal transcript.

Student Responsibilities

Student rights and responsibilities can be found in the following links.

College Now Student Handbook
Western Iowa Tech Community College Student Handbook

FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) does not allow Western Iowa Tech to provide information to parents regarding coursework. This is a federal law. Students may choose to waive this right.


Western Iowa Tech College Now Concurrent Enrollment Program is accredited through the National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Programs (NACEP). NACEP is a professional organization for high schools and colleges that fosters and supports rigorous concurrent enrollment. NACEP serves as a national accrediting body and supports all members by providing standards of excellence, research, communication, and advocacy.

View Iowa Legislation
Career Academies