This course is designed to provide training to individuals whose primary focus is to respond to, assess and triage emergent, urgent and non-urgent requests for medical care, and to apply basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and medical transportation to/from an emergency or health care facility. EMTs are expected to quickly assess patient conditions, provide stabilizing measures and request additional resources as needed. This course will provide the student an opportunity to apply cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains in the classroom, lab, clinical, and field settings.
Prerequisites: Students must be 17 years of age at the time of enrollment of the course, have a health physical and immunizations up to date, have a current AHA BLS provider card, have successfully completed the Mandatory Reporter Course, and Instructor consent.
Class Times:
DNWT LAB3 S 08:00AM 12:00PM C7
DNWT LAB3 TTH 06:00PM 10:00PM C7
DNWT LAB3 S 08:00AM 12:00PM C7
DNWT LAB3 S 08:00AM 12:00PM C7
DNWT LAB3 S 08:00AM 12:00PM C7
DNWT LEC TTH 06:00PM 10:00PM C7