Corporate College has been offering "High Performance Management" since January 1995. We provide this training to a variety of local businesses and industries. Because a number of organizations are represented in this training, you have the opportunity to meet and establish a peer network.
We cover a variety of topics geared toward developing a high performance management approach. Some of these include:
- Examining the Role of a Manager
- Effective Communication
- Communicating Upward
- Goal Setting
- Making the Transition to Leadership
- The Empowered Workforce
- Establishing Performance Expectations
- Motivating Employees
- Assessing Your Leadership Style
- Time Management
- Handling Conflict
- Legal Considerations of Managing
- Coaching Employees
- Appraising Employee Performance
- Taking Corrective Action.
High Performance Management is highly interactive in nature and designed for both new and experienced managers. The course is extremely practical and utilizes a wide array of learning modalities and tools including: individual and group tasks, case studies, lecture, and experiential activities.
You will complete an Individual Professional Development Plan aimed at improving your particular management skills and abilities. You also have the opportunity to receive credit hours through Western Iowa Tech when you successfully complete the course and submit an assigned additional paper.