Date: October 14, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Sioux City Campus

WITCC Mission

We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members

Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang (Zoom) | Blanca Martinez |  Mary Parker | Jeremy Ogle | Erin Muck (Zoom)

Absent: Linnea Fletcher and Brad Griffin

Brenda Wright, Board Secretary

Administration: Terry Murrell, College President | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Dean of Outreach and Information Technology | Revathi Vongsiprasom, Dean of Opportunity and Engagement | Erin Volk, Dean of Quality

Presenters: Natnael Solomon, Comet CLASS Student | Hector Vega Aceves, Comet CLASS Student | Jeremy Ross, Comet CLASS Student | Elizabeth Perez, Comet CLASS Student | Harlie Nolze, Comet CLASS Student | Jatzumy Castillo-Gonzalez, Comet CLASS Student | Jordyn Schubert, Comet CLASS Student | Kevin Romo, Comet CLASS Student | Teresa McElroy, Associate Dean of Admissions and Advising 


Meeting was called to order by Russ Wray at 4:00 pm. 

Brenda Wright took the roll call of directors

Matt Pfister presented two Alumni to do an Alumni Spotlight for Oral Communications. Kai (need names), a 2003 graduate and Rigo (name) a 2018 graduate. Kai - attended WITCC with a young baby. Instructors and staff were very understanding and like family. Studied in computer networking. Worked for 17 years at Security National. Then in 2017 went into construction. Now owns Kai Thai Food Truck - WITCC was the first customer. Rigo - graduated from the Construction program. Great experience. Building a house was a great experience. Started a drywall business at 22 years old. Loved the hands-on learning. I felt like I was part of the family. 

There were no Written Communications to present.

Revathi Vongsiprasom introduced Jennifer McCune, who then presented the 2024 Comet CLASS Leaders. Each member introduced themselves and told us how the Comet CLASS has helped them. 

Troy Jasman presented Change Order #1 for the Soccer Field Improvements Project. This change order is due to some drainage issues in the soccer field. Tricia Sutherland made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and motion carried. 

Troy Jasman also presented the 28E Agreement with the Denison Community School. This contract was written and reviewed by Ahlers. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All were in favor and motion carried. 

Troy also prepared the Foundation Compilation Report. Troy, Brian Smith and Matt Pfister explained the report and talked about the many contributions. Blanca Martinez made a motion to accept the compilation and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All were in favor and the motion carried. 

Terry Murrell asked for a volunteer to be the ACCT Voting Delegate at the ACCT conference. Jeremy Ogle nominated Blanca Martinez. Tricia Sutherland seconded the nomination. All were in favor and motion carried.

Tawnya Beermann introduced Teresa McElroy. They both presented the Student Support Report (Clinic and other services). Tawnya and Teresa explained the different support services for students. Student needs continue to be on the rise. Comet cupboard and the Comet Clinic are the most utilized.

Tawnya Beermann and Erin Volk presented the Graduation Report. They recapped the credentials earned this ear. 

Erin Volk also presented the Educational Outcomes Report. This shows what happens to our students after they graduate from WITCC. 

Erin Volk also talked about the Iowa Department of Education Profile Report. This report is for both credit and non-credit students. They also rank us with our in-state peers. 

Tricia Sutherland did not have any updates for the Community Colleges for Iowa. 

Terry Murrell gave his President's Report. He informed the board that Wednesday and Thursday we will be closed for Staff Development. 

Russ then asked the board for any individual comments. None were brought forward. Jeremy made a motion to adjourn and Tricia Sutherland seconded. All were in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm. 

The next regular scheduled board meeting will be Monday, November 11, 2024, at 4:00 pm on the Sioux City campus in the Boardroom.