Date: May 13, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Sioux City Campus

Meeting was held electronically due to it being impractical due to timing of meeting.

WITCC Mission

We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members

Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang | Brad Griffin (via Zoom) | Linnea Fletcher | Mary Parker | Jeremy Ogle | Erin Muck (via Zoom)

Absent: Blanca Martinez

Brenda Wright, Board Secretary

Terry Murrell, College President | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Dean of Outreach and Information Technology | Revathi Vongsiprasom, Dean of Opportunity and Engagement | Erin Volk, Dean of Quality

Sima Dabir, Associate Dean – Arts & Sciences | Steve Brown, Director of Information Technology Support Services | Rachelle Green, Help Desk Manager | Ben Mohning, Four Plus Program Director | Carmen Wilson, Associate Dean – Corporate College | Bradley Griffin, Student | Stefani Nunez, Student | Katelyn Engle, Student | Kevin Romo, Student | Tess Fryer, Student


Russell Wray called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

Brenda Wright took a roll call of Directors.

No Written Communications were brought to the Board.

Russell Wray asked the Board to review and motion to approve the Consent Items. No questions or concerns were brought forward. Consent items included:

  • The minutes of the regular Board of Directors meeting held April 8, 2024.
  • The minutes of the Electronic Board Meeting held April 24, 2024.
  • The Financial Report for April 2024
  • A list of General Fund bills.
  • The Personnel Report Regular Appointments and The Community and Continuing Education instructor list
  • Application and Certificate for Payment #7 in the amount of $82,445.67 to Steve Harris for Soccer Field Improvements Project
  • Application and Certificate for Payment #1 in the amount of $38,694.77 to Steve Harris for Parking Lot 4 Pavement Improvements
  • 24/SP and 24/SU Graduate Summary.
  • Terry Murrell traveling to AFIT July 31 – August 3, 2024, in Glendale, AZ..

Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve the consent items as amended and Linnea Fletcher seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried.

Terry introduced Sima Dabir to present the PTK International Awards Report. Sima presented the awards and explained each award that they won on their PTK trip. Tony Roma, Bradley Griffin, and Bill Clifford were also in attendance.

Christina Brandon, Rachelle Green, and Steve Brown reviewed the IT Annual Update and a list of projects completed by the IT team.

Christina also presented a request to purchase Student Technology for the next school year. It includes computers for students and equipment to continue the cyber security efforts. Tricia Sutherland made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Troy Jasman presented a list of After Prom Sponsorships for this spring to local high schools.

Darin Moeller introduced Ben Mohning to the Board to present the 2024-2025 Project Success Contracts. Ben has been with the program for two years. This next school year marks the 10th year of the program. We have served 95 students in this program. We are looking to add 9-10 new students this fall plus 8 continuing on in the program. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve the contract for the 24-25 academic year and Tricia Sutherland seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Troy Jasman, Darin Moeller, and Carmen Wilson presented the 2024-1 Multiple Industrial Jobs Training Agreement and Resolutions. There are four companies wanting to go to bond and the bond sale was completed earlier in the day. We received a great bid of 4.85%. We were expecting 5-6%. The total bond was for $2,095,000.00. This will give funding for training 207 full-time positions in Siouxland. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Micah Lang. All were in favor and motion carried at 4:29 pm.

Darin Moeller reported on the Perkins funding we receive each year. He gave a brief history of the Perkins grant and explained how important the funding is for the career and technical programs. Last year we received $622,268.

Jeremy Ogle reported out on his trip to Washington, DC, for the Siouxland Chamber Steak Reception. He said that he was present when the two WIT students spoke to the senators. They did a great job talking about key issues to focus on for next year.

Jeremy Ogle gave a report to the Board regarding the Audit and Finance Committee held just before the board meeting. They discussed the bond process.

Tricia Sutherland reviewed the items discussed that the Community Colleges for Iowa meeting. They did get the funding formula finalized. Thanks to all of the community college presidents for setting up an equitable formula. This new formula is good for WIT and we should be getting additional funds this year. Tricia also reminded the Board of the Trustee conference July 10-11. If you are interested, please contact Terry.

Terry gave his President’s Report.

  1. Board Recognition Month – thanked the Board for the time serving as a board member.
  2. FY24 Budget Expect to end the year in the positive. Summer enrollment is currently up 5-6%. Fall is looking good right now.
  3. Legislative Update Governor signed all of the bills regarding anything for the community colleges. We will receive $250,000 extra next year. Funding for community colleges increased $7 million.

Three members of the public stepped forward for Oral Communications to ask the board for transparency regarding the J1 settlement.

Jeremy Ogle made a motion to go into Executive/Closed Session pursuant to Iowa Code sec.21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel on a matter presently in litigation, where its disclosure would likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the College in that litigation. Linnea Fletcher seconded the motion. Brenda Wright took a roll call of board members. Micah Lang, Brad Griffin (Zoom), Linnea Fletcher, Tricia Sutherland, Mary Parker, Jeremy Ogle, Russ Wray, and Erin Muck (Zoom) were in attendance. Blanca Martinez was absent. After a discussion, Jeremy Ogle made a motion to come out of executive session and Linnea Fletcher seconded the motion. Roll call was taken again by Brenda Wright. Micah Lang, Brad Griffin (Zoom), Linnea Fletcher, Tricia Sutherland, Mary Parker, Jeremy Ogle, Russ Wray, and Erin Muck (Zoom) were in attendance. Blanca Martinez was absent.

Russ Wray asked the Board to review the upcoming dates on the agenda.

Jeremy Ogle made a motion for adjournment and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All were in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:33 pm.

The next meeting will be a June Joint Board meeting with NWAEA Board of Directors and Northwest Iowa Community College – NWAEA at the Discovery Center, 5800 Discovery Blvd., Sioux City, IA. WIT’s board meeting will be at 4:00 pm in room 5 and the Joint Board meeting will be at 5:00 pm in rooms 1-2.