Date: April 24, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: WITCC Sioux City Campus - A507 Board Room

Meeting was held electronically due to it being impractical due to timing of meeting.

WITCC Mission

We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members

Present via Zoom: Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang | Brad Griffin | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Jeremy Ogle | Erin Muck
Absent: Mary Parker 

Brenda Wright, Board Secretary

Terry Murrell, College President | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services


Russell Wray called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.

Brenda Wright took a roll call of Directors. Directors present: Russ Wray, Tricia Sutherland, Micah Lang, Brad Griffin, Blanca Martinez, Linnea Fletcher, Jeremy Ogle, Erin Muck. Absent: Mary Parker.

Jeremy Ogle made a motion to go into Executive/Closed Session pursuant to Iowa Code sec.21.5(1 )(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel on a matter presently in litigation, where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the College in that litigation. Tricia Sutherland seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried. Brenda Wright took a roll call of directors. Directors present: Russ Wray, Tricia Sutherland, Micah Lang, Brad Griffin, Blanca Martinez, Linnea Fletcher, Jeremy Ogle, Erin Muck. Absent: Mary Parker.

After a discussion, a motion to leave the Closed/Executive session by Tricia Sutherland and seconded by Jeremy Ogle. A roll call of Directors was taken by Brenda Wright. Directors present: Russ Wray, Tricia Sutherland, Micah Lang, Brad Griffin, Blanca Martinez, Linnea Fletcher, Jeremy Ogle, Erin Muck. Absent: Mary Parker.

Tricia Sutherland made a motion to the board to approve the settlement of a lawsuit brought by thirteen plaintiffs against Western Iowa Tech and six of its employees in a case numbered 5:20-CV- 4054. While the college strongly denies any liability, this settlement would be a business decision in accordance with the recommendation of our counsel and is in the amount of $3 million. Jeremy Ogle seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. Directors voting Yes to approve: Russ Wray, Tricia Sutherland, Micah Lang, Brad Griffin, Blanca Martinez, Linnea Fletcher, Jeremy Ogle, Erin Muck. Nays: none. All were in favor and motion carried.

Erin Muck made a motion for Adjournment, and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All Directors were in favor and the motion carried. Meeting ended at 2:18 pm.

The next regular scheduled board meeting will be Monday, May 13, 2024, at 4:00 pm on the Sioux City campus in the Boardroom.