Date: April 8, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Mapleton Campus - 38491 Highway 175 North, Mapleton, IA

WITCC Mission

We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members

Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang | Brad Griffin | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Mary Parker (Zoom) | Jeremy Ogle | Erin Muck 
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary 

Terry Murrell, College President | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Dean of Outreach and Information Technology | Revathi Vongsiprasom, Dean of Opportunity and Engagement | Erin Volk, Dean of Quality

Carmen Wilson, Associate Dean - Corporate College | Sandy Velasquez, Director of Denison Campus & Southern Service Area


Russell Wray called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

Brenda Wright took a roll call of board members.

Russell Wray opened the Public Hearing for Published Budget. No comments were brought forward.

No Oral Communications were presented to the Board.

Russell Wray read the Written Communications.

Russell Wray asked the board for any concerns regarding the Consent Items. No questions were asked. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All were in favor. Brad Griffin abstained from the vote.

Erin Volk introduced Sandy Velasquez. Sandy presented the Southern Service Area and Denison Regional Academy Update. Erin introduced Sandy Velasquez as the new Director of Denison Campus and Southern Service Area. Sandy talked about the CNA classes held on the Mapleton campus. She also talked about working on getting an Agriculture pathway with the high school. Sandy then talked about many activities going on at the Denison Campus. They currently have over 300 College Now students attending campus for their classes. They are also working on the Career Academy addition tentatively planned for Fall 25. We are looking to add three classrooms, and Ag lab, and an Auto Body lab. This will draw in a lot more high school students.

Darin Moeller and Carmen Wilson presented the SBDC Subcontract Agreement with Iowa State University of Science and Technology to the Board. This will reflect partial funding. We will see a few more of these throughout the year as they will submit a contract with each partial funding they receive. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and motion carried.

Darin and Carmen presented the 260E Preliminary Agreement for Seaboard Triumph Foods, LLC. Their plan is to add 150 jobs with this agreement. Tricia Sutherland made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Micah Lang. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Darin and Carmen also presented the Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training Program 260E Seaboard Triumph Foods, LLC Agreement. This program would offer training to new employees. They are planning 120 new positions. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Blanca Martinez. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Darin and Carmen presented the Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training Program 260E TEC Equipment, Inc. Agreement. This agreement would be for 30 positions. Brad Griffin made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Darin and Carmen presented the 260E 2024-1 Multiple Project Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training Program. This agenda item directs the publication to go to bond for the electronic bidding. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Troy Jasman presented the Resolution Authorizing Redemption of Outstanding Certificates and Directing Notice be Given - Industrial New Jobs Training Certificates, Series 2016-1. This would close the bond early. Brad Griffin made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Micah Lang. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Troy Jasman also presented the Cherokee Campus Paving Improvements Project Bids. The lowest bid came in under projections. Funding for the project would be covered under a grant received from the State of Iowa. Brad Griffin made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Erin Volk presented some Board Policy Changes for a 2nd Reading. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Blanca Martinez. All were in favor and the motion carried. 

Troy Jasman reviewed the Published Budget. A Public Hearing was held last month and now we are ready for approval to publish. We will now present it to the state. Micah Lang made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Erin Muck. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Tricia Sutherland talked about the Community Colleges for Iowa meeting. There is a suggestion to combine the July Trustee conference with the Fall CCFI conference. Tricia is going to have Brenda Wright sent out some talking points when talking to our legislators. They are also looking for different ways to recruit trustees.

Terry Murrell gave a President's Report. He gave a legislative update on some possible changes.

Jeremy Ogle made a motion to go into Executive/Closed Session pursuant to Iowa Code sec.21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel on a matter presently in litigation, where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the College in that litigation. Linnea Fletcher seconded. All were in favor and motion carried. Brenda Wright took a roll call. Micah Lang, Brad Griffin, Blanca Martinez, Linnea Fletcher, Tricia Sutherland, Mary Parker (Zoom), Jeremy Ogle, Russ Wray, and Erin Muck all present. After discussion Erin Muck made a motion to come out of Executive Session and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. Brenda Wright took a roll call. Micah Lang, Brad Griffin, Blanca Martinez, Linnea Fletcher, Tricia Sutherland, Jeremy Ogle, Russ Wray, and Erin Muck all present. Mary Parker (Zoom) had to drop out during the discussion.

Linnea Fletcher made a motion to adjourn, and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.

Next board meeting will be Monday, May 13, 2024, at 4:00 pm, on the Sioux City Campus, 4647 Stone Avenue, in the Boardroom A507