Date: October 16, 2023
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Campus - Sioux City, Iowa

WITCC Mission

We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members

Russell Wray, President (zoom) | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Jeremy Ogle | Al Aymar
Absent: Erin Muck
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary


Terry Murrell, College President | Juline Albert, VP of Learning | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Dean of Outreach and Information Technology | Revathi Vongsiprasom, Dean of Opportunity and Engagement | Erin Volk, Dean of Quality


Tito Parker, Associate Dean of Students | Theresa Umscheid, Executive Director of the Iowa Community College Online Consortium (ICCOC) | Teresa McElroy, Associate Dean of Admissions and Advising | Bea Houston, Transitional Education Director | Jennifer McCune, Student Leadership Coordinator | Teri Peterson, Associate Dean of Health Sciences | Brian Smith, Business Operations Controller | Matt Pfister, Executive Director College Development | Anna Kern, CLASS Student | Yairi Garcia, CLASS Student | Harlie Nolze, CLASS Student | Bradley Griffin, CLASS Student | Jonathan Jones, CLASS Student


Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Tricia Sutherland.

Brenda Wright did a roll call of Directors.

Tricia Sutherland opened the Public Hearing for the 2023 Parking Lot 4 Paving Improvements Project. Notice was published in Sioux City Journal on 9/26/23. No comments brought to the board. Hearing was then closed.

Tricia Sutherland opened the public Hearing for the 2023 Rocklin Conference Center Stage Project. This is a rebid. Notice was published in Sioux City Journal on 9/26/23. No comments were brought to the board. Hearing was then closed.

Tricia opened the floor for Oral Communications. Student, Colby Drey, spoke about a concern.

Tricia reviewed a written communication from Louisa Muscatine Jr./Sr. High School.

Tricia asked the board to review the Consent Items. No concerns were brought forward. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Revathi Vongsiprasom introduced Jennifer McCune. Jennifer explained the new Student Senate Leaders program is a curriculum-based program. CLASS stands for Cultivating Leadership, Advocacy, and Student Success. These students will be receiving leadership development. Each student spoke about what this program has meant to them so far.

Darin Moeller introduced Theresa Umscheid to share an ICCOC update. Theresa shared a little history of the ICCOC and all of the updates for 22-23.

Darin also introduced Teri Peterson to explain a need for an Equipment Purchase Request for an Ambulance Simulator. Teri explained that this simulator is state-of-the-art and would provide a much needed simulation for our students that they currently cannot get effectively. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Blanca Martinez. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Darin and Teri also explained the need for Equipment Purchase Request for three Pediatric Manikins. Micah Lang made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Tawnya Beermann and Teresa McElroy gave a Student Support Report. They talked about all of the services offered to students. Teresa talked about how our student athletes were able to get their physicals at our Comet Clinic and was a convenience to our students. Tawnya also talked about new dashboards for the coaches to keep track of athletes' grades and attendance to keep them on track.

Tawnya and Erin Volk presented the Annual Graduation Report. They reviewed the stats on students and the funding they used and the increase in graduates.

Erin Volk also presented the Iowa Department of Education Profile Report This report compares trends across the state of Iowa.

Christina Brandon presented a request to purchase the Ava Cloud Security Camera system. Our current camera system has been in place since 2014. The technology in this system is much more sophisticated. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Al Aymar. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy Jasman, Brian Smith, and Matt Pfister presented the Foundation Compilation Report. We've had an increase in students applying for scholarships. We are also looking for other scholarships for programs so that we can help students purchase their tools, etc. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Micah Lang. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy presented the proposed Soccer Field Improvement Project. This project will make our current soccer file regulation size. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Blanca Martinez. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy also proposed to purchase a College Bus. Our current bus should now be limited to local trips. We have equipment money to make the purchase. Micah Lang made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Al Aymar. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy presented the WITCC Kiser Building Chiller and Pump Replacement Project Substantial Completion. Russell Wray made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy presented the WITCC Kiser Building Chiller and Pump Replacement Project Close Out. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Blanca Martinez. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy Jasman presented the WITCC Cherokee Nursing Simulation Lab Renovation Substantial Completion. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy Jasman presented the WITCC Cherokee Nursing Simulation Lab Renovation Project Closeout. Micah Lang made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Al Aymar. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy presented a proposal to Accept a Donation of a piece of land. Land is located at 4404 Stone Avenue. A Phase 1 study came back clean. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Blanca Martinez. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy also presented a proposal for a Board Policy Change to policy number 704.1. This is a first reading and will be presented at a future board meeting for voting.

Terry Murrell gave a President Report and talked about Foundation funding.

Jeremy Ogle made a motion to go into Executive/Closed Session. Blanca Martinz seconded. Brenda Wright took a roll call and Russ Wray, Tricia Sutherland, Jeremy Ogle, Al Aymar, Micah Lang, Blanca Martinez, and Linnea Fletcher were present. Pursuant to Iowa Code sec. 21.5(1 )(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel on a matter presently in litigation, where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the College in that litigation.
After discussion, Micah Lang made a motion to come out of Executive Session, and it was seconded by Al Aymar. Brenda Wright took a roll call and Russ Wray, Tricia Sutherland, Jeremy Ogle, Al Aymar, Micah Lang, Blanca Martinez, and Linnea Fletcher were present.