Date: Monday, June 13, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Campus - Sioux City, Board Room A507

WITCC Mission

As a comprehensive community college, our mission is to provide quality education and to economically enhance the communities we serve.

Board Members

Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Neal Adler | Bill Anderson | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Jeremy Ogle | Al Aymar | Derrick Franck
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary 
Absent: N/A


Terry Murrell, College President | Juline Albert, VP of Learning | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Mike Logan, Dean of Information Technology | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Interim Dean of Outreach and Information Technology


Lora VanderZwaag, Registrar | Mark Munger, General Manager for KWIT | Carmen Wilson, Associate Dean – Corporate College


Meeting was called to order by Russell Wray at 4:00 pm.

Roll Call of the directors was taken by Brenda Wright.

No Oral Communications were brought forward to the Board.

Three Written Communications were presented to the Board.

Consent Items were reviewed by the board members. Derrick Franck made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
The newly formed Audit Committee met prior to the board meeting. Derrick reported that this was a preliminary meeting to decide on what will be needed at future meetings. Troy will be creating a cheat sheet for meaning of all of the different accounts.

Tawnya Beermann and Lora VanderZwaag presented the Graduation Report for Spring 2022. 

Terry Murrell gave the Summer Semester Credit Enrollment Report. Terry explained that there is a drop in enrollment, due to the economy. Workforce has lots of jobs available and paying more and offering more hours. Students are feeling the inflation pressure – because of higher costs, need to work more.  Younger people are looking at shorter term plans and not focused on future. Most of the other community colleges in Iowa that have reported are showing numbers down to up to 15% below. 

Darin Moeller and Carmen Wilson presented the Resolution Approving Assignment and Assumption Agreement between Lopez Foods Inc., and Western Iowa Tech Community College. This will give them training funds for new positions. Bill Anderson made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Neal Adler.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

Darin and Carmen also presented the SBDC Subcontract agreement with Iowa State University. We’ve had this annual contract for more than 15 years.  Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Neal Adler. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Darin and Carmen then presented the OSHA Agreement Renewal. This contract allows us to provide OSHA safety classes in our area.  In FY22 we had 6 courses.  Without businesses would have to go out to get training from somewhere else. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve and Al Aymar seconded. All were in favor and motion was carried.

Troy Jasman and Mark Munger presented the KWIT KOJI Fundraising Campaign report. Mark reviewed the highlights.  Fundraising went very well and raised over $150,000. KWIT has received over 21 awards. They also started a podcast (AWE) about mental health. 

Troy presented the Project Closeout Applied Technology Partial Roof Replacement. The project is now complete. Al Aymar made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland.

Troy Jasman also presented the Sun Ridge Court Siding Proposal. Troy explained that these buildings were built in 1982 and still have the original siding and are not starting to show their age. We did one building during the spring and were very pleased with the results. The vendor is holding the same price for the rest of the buildings. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and Neal Adler seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy Jasman brought forward the Bellevue University Memorandum of Understanding. This is to renew the lease for office space on our campus. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve it and it was seconded by Derrick Franck. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Brenda Wright presented two Board Policy Updates for a 2nd Reading. Minor wording changes. Derrick Franck made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Derrick Franck gave the Community Colleges for Iowa Report. Notes from Emily are posted.

Terry Murrell gave the President’s Report:

  1. FY22 Budget
    We will be able to balance the budget this year.  Next year may be tight due to enrollment. 
  2. CC for Iowa Conference Registration
    Registration looks good 120+ people so far and 40-50 vendors plan to attend. 
  3. Career Academy Grant Update: Received a million dollar grant to the Career Academy in Denison. Thanks to Erin and the Grants department.

Individual Board Member comments – Jeremy reported on the Chamber State dinner. There was a great gathering. There was a big focus on workforce and immigration.

Jeremy Ogle made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All were in favor and meeting was adjourned at 4:44 pm.