Date: Monday, March 14, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Campus – Sioux City, Board Room A507

WITCC Mission

As a comprehensive community college, our mission is to provide quality education and to economically enhance the communities we serve.

Board Members

Russell Wray, Vice President | Neal Adler | Linnea Fletcher | Tricia Sutherland | Jeremy Ogle | Al Aymar | Derrick Franck
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary
Absent: Dr. Robert Rasmus, President | Bill Anderson


Terry Murrell, College President | Juline Albert, VP of Learning | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Mike Logan, Dean of Information Technology | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Interim Dean of Students


Dr. Erin Volk, Director of Institutional Research and Resource Development | Carmen Wilson, Associate Dean of Corporate College | Laura Grell, Career Navigator/Project Direct


Meeting was called to order by Russ Wray at 4:00 pm.

Roll Call of Directors by Brenda Wright

A Public Hearing for the Published Budget was opened and no one brought forward concerns. Hearing was then closed.

No Oral Communications were presented to the Board.

No Written Communications were presented to the Board.

Consent Items were reviewed and motion to approve by Jeremy Ogle and seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All in favor. Motion carried.

  1. The minutes of the regular Board of Directors meeting held February 14, 2022
  2. The Financial Report for February 2022 in addendum MAR-22-1, pages 1-7
  3. A list of General Fund bills in addendum MAR-22-2, pages 8-30. Additional bills may be presented at the Board Meeting
  4. The Personnel Report Regular Appointments in addendum MAR-22-3a, page 31. The Community and Continuing Education instructor list in addendum MAR-22-3b, pages 32-33. Additional Personnel Report may be presented at the meeting.
  5. Application and Certificate for Payment #4 in the amount of $93,331.54 to Hasselhoff Construction, Inc. for the Cherokee Nursing Lab Project in addendum MAR-22-4, pages 34

A motion for Consent Items was given by Linnea Fletcher and seconded by Jeremy Ogle. Derrick Frank abstained from the bills All in favor. Motion carried

Juline Albert and Darin Moeller presented the 2022 Credit Instruction Programs. Darin explained that we review our programs to make sure they stay current. We are recommending one certificate to be deactivated because of low enrollment. We are proposing two new programs. Fall 22 – Interpretation and Translation Program. This program will be a 1-year diploma and have a certificate option. This is being designed for people that have bi-lingual skills. There is a high-demand for this skill in our area. Also looking for the 2023-24 – AAS program Aviation Mechanic to start in Fall 23. We have already submitted a notice of intent with the state of Iowa. We are also looking at an ammonia and refrigeration program and a drone application program. Motion to approve was given by Jeremy Ogle and seconded by Neal Adler. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Darin and Carmen Wilson presented the 260G ACE Nursing Program Agreement. Carmen explained that these agreements help the community colleges train in occupations in the higher demand jobs. Businesses sponsor seats. UnityPoint is sponsoring seats in this agreement today. Derrick Franck made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Darin and Carmen also presented the 28E Agreement Concerning Job Training Programs with Iowa Central Community College. Carmen explained that this agreement is needed when a company falls within two community college areas. Each community college will get a percentage of the administration fee. Linnea Fletcher made a motion to approve the agreement and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle.

Troy Jasman and Darin Moeller presented the FY23 Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges. We are recommending a $5 per credit hour increase. We will still have the lowest tuition charge in the state. It will also be a $5 increase. We don’t have the online tuition from the consortium. Corporate Based Instruction will also go up $5. No fee change for the Mat/Tch fees, Educational Resources. Housing rates increasing also. Motion to approve by Jeremy Ogle and seconded by Derrick Franck.

Darin Moeller and Laura Tabbert brought the College Now 2021-22 Annual Report and Contract for the 2022-23 academic year. Laura shared some highlights from our College Now program this past year. The contract for 22-23 year includes an increase in credit and per pupil rate. Motion to approve by Derrick Franck and seconded by Neal Adler. All in favor and the motion was granted.

Troy Jasman is proposing a project for the Dr. Robert H. Kiser Building Chiller and Pump Replacement. Troy explained the need for the chiller and pump as it is 30 years old. CW Suter brought in the lowest bid for $828,000. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All in favor. Motion was carried.

Troy also brought the Water Curtain Wall Project to the board. This will finish up the Enrollment Services remodel project. This will be one of the few digital water curtains in the area. It is scheduled to be completed in early June. Motion to approve by Tricia Sutherland and seconded by Linnea Fletcher.

Troy Jasman presented the Published Budget for approval. We will file with the County Auditor by the deadline tomorrow, March 15, 2022. Motion to approve by Derrick Franck and seconded by Neal Adler. All in favor. Motion was carried.

Troy Jasman and Merlyn Kathol brought forward the Cohort Default Rate Summary and Action Plan Update. Merlyn explained that because of the deferments, the numbers are not realistic. But we have been on a downward trend up until the pandemic. We will continue to work with our vendor that will work with our students.

Erin Volk and Juline Albert presented a summary of the FY2021 Federal Funding Profile.

Juline Albert introduced Laura Grell to present the Adult Education and Literacy Digital Initiative. Laura is requesting the purchase of a software for the Adult Education Program. This software will be used statewide with the Department of Education. WITCC will be the fiscal agent. Motion to approve by Jeremy Ogle and seconded by Linnea Fletcher. All in favor and motion carried.

Brenda Wright brought for a second reading the Board Policy 206.1 Revision. The revision was an address change. Motion to approve by Linnea Fletcher and seconded by Neal Adler. All in favor. Motion carried.

Derrick Franck reviewed the Iowa Association of Community College Trustees (IACCT) Report. It was a busy week with the student legislative seminar. Legislature also decided to not be in session. College Day on the Hill, one of our PTK students received a gold Coca Cola award. Some changes are in legislation for the Last Dollar Scholarship program. It has passed the House and it goes to the Senate next.

Terry Murrell gave a President Report.

  • COVID Update - We’ve seen 5 cases in last 3 weeks. We removed signs reading masks are highly encouraged.

A motion to adjourn by Linnea Fletcher and was seconded by Tricia Sutherland. All in favor and motion was granted.