Date: Monday, February 14, 2022
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: WITCC Campus - Sioux City, Board Room A507

Board Members

Present: Russell Wray, Vice President | Neal Adler | Bill Anderson | Linnea Fletcher | Tricia Sutherland | Jeremy Ogle | Al Aymar | Derrick Franck
Absent: Dr. Robert Rasmus, President
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary 


Terry Murrell, College President | Juline Albert, VP of Learning | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Mike Logan, Dean of Information Technology | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students 


Erin Volk, Director of Institutional Research and Resource Development | Christina Brandon, Associate Dean of Recruitment | Revathi Truong, Associate Dean of Inclusion | Carmen Wilson, Division Chair, Corporate Training & Consulting


Meeting was called to order by Russell Wray at 3:01 pm    
Roll Call of Directors by Brenda Wright    
Consent Items were reviewed and motion to approve by Jeremy Ogle and seconded by Linnea Fletcher.  All in favor. Motion carried.

A.    The minutes of the regular Board of Directors meeting held January 10, 2022    
B.    The Financial Report for January 2022 in addendum FEB-22-1, pages 1-7    
C.    A list of General Fund bills in addendum FEB-22-2, pages 8-28. Additional bills may be presented at the Board Meeting    
D.    The Personnel Report Regular Appointments in addendum FEB-22-3a, pages 29-30. The Community and Continuing Education instructor list in addendum FEB-22-3b, pages 31-32.  Additional Personnel Report may be presented at the meeting.    
E.    Application and Certificate for Payment #3 in the amount of $50,380.62 to Haselhoff Construction, Inc. in addendum FEB-22-4, pages 33-36    

No Oral Communications were presented to the Board.    
No Written Communications were presented to the Board.    

Administrative Reports

2022 Spring Semester Credit Enrollment Report was presented by Juline Albert, Tawnya Beermann, and Christina Brandon. Tawnya reviewed the enrollment numbers with the board.  She reported that the 22/SP headcount was 4,956.  51% of that being concurrent enrollment students. Christina reported that we have more part-time students than full-time students.  We have increased our Hispanic/Latino enrollment. There are lots of recruitment events coming up this semester. 
Juline introduced Erin Volk to report on the IPEDS. Erin explained what the IPEDS reporting was and how we compare nationally.

Terry Murrell introduced Revathi Truong to present the Diversity and Inclusion Report. Revathi explained the goals she had for the department and how she was planning to obtain them.

Troy and Carmen presented the 260E Preliminary Agreement for Cold Link Logistics Sioux City LLC. Cold Link is planning for 60 new jobs in Sioux city.  Based in Miami.  Motion to approve by Neal Adler and seconded by Bill Anderson.  All in favor. Motion carried.

Troy and Carmen also presented the 260E Preliminary Agreement for WestRock Services LLC. WestRock plans on 50 new jobs in Sioux City to bring productions to 24/7.  Motion to approve the agreement by Jeremy Ogle and seconded Tricia Sutherland.  All in favor. Motion carried.

Troy brought the Proposed Published Budget for FY23 and recommended to publish the FY23 Budget in the Sioux City Journal on February 26, 2022, and to hold the public hearing at the Board meeting on March 14, 2022, at 4:00 pm, WITCC, 4647 Stone Avenue, Sioux City, Iowa, with the certification to be completed prior to March 15, 2022. In case of inclement weather, a telephonic Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 7:30 am. Motion to approve by Derrick Franck and seconded by Bill Anderson.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

Troy presented a request for Chemistry Fume Hoods and Casework for the Chemistry Lab.  Only received one bid, which came in under the prediction.  Motion to approve purchase was made by Linnea Fletcher and seconded by Jeremy Ogle.  All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy presented the WITCC Training Tower Project Certificate of Substantial Completion for approval. Motion to approve by Tricia and seconded by Neal Adler. All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy also presented the WITCC Training Tower Paving Project Closeout for approval. Tricia Sutherland made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Derrick Franck.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

A Contingency Change Order for Cherokee Nursing Simulation Lab was brought to the board by Troy Jasman.  This change is needed to reconstruct a wall in the lab.  Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve this change order and it was seconded by Bill Anderson.  All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Troy also requested approval for the 2022 Gaylord Smith Building Roof Replacement Project. This is the last roof to be replaced. Derrick Franck made a motion to approve and seconded by Neal Adler.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

A request to increase the Mileage Rate was presented by Troy Jasman.  The increase would go from 45¢ to 52¢ effective March 1, 2022.  Motion to approve by Bill Anderson and was seconded by Jeremy Ogle.  All were in favor. Motion carried.

Brenda Wright presented the first reading for a revision to Board Policy 206.1. The only change proposed was the address for the Office of Civil Rights in Chicago, Illinois.  There will be a seconded reading next month.

A summary for the ACCT - National Legislative Summit was given during the Board Retreat prior to the meeting, but Derrick Franck added that there were several great speakers at the conference and he highly recommends other board members to attend future events if they can.

Derrick Franck gave a summary of the Iowa Association of Community College Trustees (IACCT) Report. The Community College Day on the Hill is March 3.  All board members are encouraged to attend. You can also review the Condition of the Community Colleges online. Very good tool.

Terry Murrell gave his President’s Report

  • Legislative Update - we have asked for 15 million - we will see if we will get that much.  We have not asked for that before.
  • FY22 and FY23 Budgets - this year is looking good.  Starting detail process for FY23 - it will be tough but we are going to try to make sure we get that by July.
  • Reminder that the IACCT Trustees Conference will be in July 20, 21, 22, in 2022 on our campus.  Encourage everyone to attend.
  • COVID Update - we had a spike with Omicron.  We wore masks for a 2-week period.  We did not have a spread and our numbers did drop.
  • April Board meeting is scheduled for Denison campus at 4:00 pm. With a Community Event at 3:00 pm

Tricia Sutherland made a motion for adjournment and it was seconded by Linnea Fletcher.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 4:48 pm.