Date: Monday, January 10, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Campus - Sioux City, Board Room A507

WITCC Mission

As a comprehensive community college, our mission is to provide quality education and to economically enhance the communities we serve.

Board Members in Attendance

Meeting was held electronically due to anticipated weather.
Bill Anderson | Linnea Fletcher | Tricia Sutherland | Al Aymar | Derrick Franck all attended via Zoom
Russell Wray, Vice President | Jeremy Ogle attended in person
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary 
Board Members Absent: Dr. Robert Rasmus, Neal Adler


Terry Murrell, College President | Juline Albert, VP of Learning | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Mike Logan, Dean of Information Technology | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Interim Dean of Students 


Dr. Erin Volk, Director of Institutional Research and Resource Development

Meeting was called to order by Russ Wray at 4:01 pm.
Roll Call was taken by Brenda Wright
Russ acknowledged the two Notices of Public Hearing

a.    Gaylord Smith Roof Replacement Project. Notice of Public Hearing published in Sioux City Journal on December 16, 2021.
b.    2022 Sun Ridge Court Parking Lot HMA Overlay Project published in the Sioux City Journal on December 30, 2021.

Russ asked the board member to review the Consent Items and asked for a motion to approve.

A.    The minutes of the regular Board of Directors meeting held December 13, 2021
B.    The Financial Report for December 2021 in addendum JAN-22-1, pages 1-7
C.    A list of General Fund bills in addendum JAN-22-2, pages 8-31. Additional bills may be presented at the Board Meeting
D.    The Personnel Report Regular Appointments and the Community and Continuing Education instructor list in addendum JAN-22-3, pages 32-34.  Additional Personnel Report may be presented at the meeting.
E.    Application and Certificate for Payment #2 in the amount of $35,124.24 to Haselhoff Construction, Inc. for the Cherokee Nursing Simulation Lab Project in addendum JAN-22-4, pages 35-38
F.    Application and Certificate for Payment #7 in the amount of $67,835.16 to Boone Brothers Roofing for the Applied Technology Roof Replacement Project in addendum JAN-22-5, pages 39-40
G.    An addendum to the December 2021 Graduation list in addendum JAN-22-6, pages 41-62
Motion made by Derrick Franck to approve the consent items.  It was seconded by Jeremy Ogle.  All in favor. Motion carried.

No Oral Communications were brought to the Board
No Written Communications were brought to the Board

Administrative Reports

Transfer Outcomes Report - Juline introduced Erin -Erin explained how we have been collecting data but this is the first time bringing data to the board.  This is an area we are focusing on.  The is the First Annual report to establish baseline data.  We want to make this process a seamless transfer for our students.

College Now Contract - Darin presented the College Now contract for McCook Central High school in Salem, South Dakota.  Jeremy made a motion to approve the contract.  Tricia Sutherland seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.

260G ACE Nursing Program Darin and Carmen explained the contract with Burgess Health Center in Onawa, Iowa.  Derrick Franck made a motion to approve the contract and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland.  All were in favor. Motion carried.

Projects/Facilities Year-in-Review Report - Troy, Darin, and Mike presented their report. They explained some of the many projects completed on campus and how it related to student impact, programs, and IT security.

Statewide Comparison of Percentage of Revenues and Expenditures Report - Troy presented the comparison report.  The data looks a little skewed because of the COVID money received.

COVID-19 Policy - Terry explained that this could be removed from the agenda because of some late breaking information regarding Iowa’s policy.  Ahler’s Law advised us to hold off until we hear a decision.

Iowa Association of Community College Trustees (IACCT) Report - Derrick reported that the board has not met since our update. The legislature is back in session.  We will start receiving email from IACCT. Due to COVID, the student legislative seminar has been postponed to March, in conjunction with College Day on the Hill.  Derrick encouraged everyone to attend.

Terry gave a President’s Report. He reminded everyone that the February meeting will be on February 14 at 3:00 pm.  We also have a new board member orientation scheduled for 8:00 - 12:00 pm that morning.  We will have a lunch at noon and all board members are invited to attend.  We will then have our retreat at 1:00 pm.  Terry also gave an update on a board member.

A motion for Adjournment was made by Jeremy Ogle and was seconded by Derrick Franck.  All were in favor.  Motion was carried.  Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm