Date: June 17, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: AEA – Room 5, Discovery Center, 5800 Discovery Blvd., Room 5, Sioux City, IA

WITCC Mission
We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members
Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang | Brad Griffin | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Mary Parker | Jeremy Ogle | Erin Muck

Brenda Wright, Board Secretary

Administration: Terry Murrell, College President | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Dean of Outreach and Information Technology | Revathi Vongsiprasom, Dean of Opportunity and Engagement | Erin Volk, Dean of Quality

Presenters: Jason Palsma, Registrar | Steve Warnstadt, Government Relations and Special Projects Coordinator

  1. Call Meeting to Order Russ Wray
  2. Roll Call of Directors Brenda Wright
  3. Oral Communications
  4. Written Communications
    1. Thank You – Kiwanis in addendum JUN-24-1, page 1
  5. Consent Items
    1. The minutes of the regular Board of Directors meeting held May 13, 2024.
    2. The Financial Report for May 2024 in addendum JUN-24-2, pages 2-8
    3. A list of General Fund bills in addendum JUN-24-3, pages 9-38. Additional bills may be presented at the Board Meeting.
    4. The Personnel Report Regular Appointments in addendum JUN-24- 4a, pages 39-40. The Community and Continuing Education instructor list in addendum JUN-24-4b, pages 41-42. Additional Personnel Report may be presented at the meeting.
    5. Application and Certificate for Payment #2 in the amount of $224,271.33 to Steve Harris Construction Inc. for Parking Lot 4 Paving Improvements Project in addendum JUN-24-5, pages 43-47
    6. May 2024 Graduation Additions in addendum JUN-24-6, page 48.
      Motion needed for Consent Items
  6. Administrative Reports
    1. Graduation Report in addendum JUN-24-7, pages 49-50. Tawnya Beermann Jason Palsma
    2. Summer Semester Credit Enrollment Report in addendum JUN-24- 8, pages 51-53. Tawnya Beermann Christina Brandon
    3. Project Home Agreement in addendum JUN-24-9, pages 54-60. Motion Needed Darin Moeller
    4. 2025-2026 College Calendar in addendum JUN-24-10, pages 61- 63. Motion Needed Darin Moeller
    5. 2024-28E Agreement with Iowa Department of Transportation in addendum JUN-24-11, pages 64-78. Motion Needed Darin Moeller
    6. 2024-2027 Strategic Initiatives in addendum JUN-24-12, page 79. Motion Needed Erin Volk Steve Warnstadt
    7. Change Order #1 for Cherokee Paving Improvements Project in addendum JUN-24-13, pages 80-82. Motion Needed Troy Jasman
    8. Exclusive Agreement with Chesterman’s in addendum JUN-24-14, pages 83-90. Motion Needed Troy Jasman
    9. Annual Report Bids in addendum JUN-24-15, page 91. Motion Needed Troy Jasman
    10. Denison Regional Academy Bids. Motion Needed Troy Jasman
    11. Board Policy Changes – 1st Reading in addendum JUN-24-17, pages 92-101. Jackie Plendl
    12. Community Colleges for Iowa Report Tricia Sutherland
    13. President Report Terry Murrell
      1. FY24 and FY25 Budget
      2. CCFI Conference Registration
      3. WITCC In the News in addendum JUN-24-18, pages 102-104
      4. Other
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. Individual Board Member comments
    2. July 8, 2024 – July Board Meeting – Sioux City WITCC campus – starting at 4:00 pm
      For complete Sports schedule, click here.
      For more information about Student Activities on Campus, check out the Campus Calendar here.
  8. Adjournment Motion Needed

Strategic Initiatives 2021-2024

Advancing Our College by Instilling a Culture of Connection via~

Communication: Knowing Who We Are & What We Do
Collaboration: Cultivating Inclusion, Belonging, & Connection
Contribution: Empowering People Through Equitable Access & Involvement