Date: May 13, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Sioux City Campus

WITCC Mission We elevate our diverse learners and strengthen our communities through inclusive and innovative education.

Board Members Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Micah Lang | Brad Griffin | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Mary Parker | Jeremy Ogle | Erin Muck

Brenda Wright, Board Secretary

Administration: Terry Murrell, College President | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Dean of Outreach and Information Technology | Revathi Vongsiprasom, Dean of Opportunity and Engagement | Erin Volk, Dean of Quality

Presenters: Sima Dabir, Associate Dean – Arts & Sciences | Steve Brown, Director of Information Technology Support Services | Rachelle Green, Help Desk Manager | Ben Mohning, Four Plus Program Director | Carmen Wilson, Associate Dean – Corporate College | Bradley Griffin, Student | Stefani Nunez, Student | Katelyn Engle, Student | Kevin Romo, Student | Tess Fryer, Student

  1. Call Meeting to Order Russ Wray
  2. Roll Call of Directors Brenda Wright
  3. Oral Communications
  4. Written Communications
  5. Consent Items
    1. The minutes of the regular Board of Directors meeting held April 8, 2024.
    2. The minutes of the Electronic Board Meeting held April 24, 2024.
    3. The Financial Report for April 2024 in addendum MAY-24-1, pages 1- 8
    4. A list of General Fund bills in addendum MAY-24-2, pages 9-31. Additional bills may be presented at the Board Meeting.
    5. The Personnel Report Regular Appointments in addendum MAY-24- 3a, pages 32-33. The Community and Continuing Education instructor list in addendum MAY-24-3b, pages 34. Additional Personnel Report may be presented at the meeting.
    6. Application and Certificate for Payment #7 in the amount of $82,445.67 to Steve Harris for Soccer Field Improvements Project in addendum MAY-24-4, pages 35-38
    7. Application and Certificate for Payment #1 in the amount of $38,694.77 to Steve Harris for Parking Lot 4 Pavement Improvements in addendum MAY-24-5, pages 39-43
    8. 24/SP and 24/SU Graduate Summary in addendum MAY-24-6, pages 44-77
    9. Terry Murrell traveling to AFIT July 31 – August 3, 2024, in Glendale, AZ.. Motion needed for Consent Items
  6. Administrative Reports
    1. PTK International Awards Report in addendum MAY-24-7, pages 78-79. Terry Murrell Sima Dabir
    2. IT Annual Update in addendum MAY-24-8, pages 80-82. Christina Brandon Steve Brown Rachelle Green
    3. Student Technology Purchase in addendum MAY-24-9, page 83. Motion Needed Christina Brandon Steve Brown Rachelle Green
    4. After Prom Sponsorships in addendum MAY-24-10, pages 84-85. Troy Jasman
    5. 2024-2025 Project Success Contracts in addendum MAY-24-11, pages 86-97. Motion Needed Darin Moeller Ben Mohning
    6. 2024-1 Multiple Industrial Jobs Training Agreement and Resolutions in addendum MAY-24-12, pages 98-151. Motion Needed Troy Jasman Darin Moeller Carmen Wilson
    7. Perkins Report in addendum MAY-24-13, pages 152-153. Darin Moeller
    8. Siouxland Chamber – Washington DC, Steak Reception Report in addendum MAY-24-14, page 154. Jeremy Ogle
    9. Audit and Finance Committee Report Jeremy Ogle Linnea Fletcher Micah Lang
    10. Community Colleges for Iowa Report Tricia Sutherland Item Presenter
    11. President Report
      1. Board Recognition Month
      2. FY24 Budget
      3. Legislative Update
      4. WITCC In the News in addendum MAY-24-15, pages 155-157
      5. Other Terry Murrell
  7. Executive/Closed Session pursuant to Iowa Code sec.21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel on a matter presently in litigation, where its disclosure would likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the College in that litigation. Motion Needed
  8. Unfinished Business
    1. Individual Board Member comments
    2. June 17, 2024 – June Joint Board meeting with NWAEA Board of Directors and Northwest Iowa Community College – NWAEA at the Discovery Center, 5800 Discovery Blvd., Sioux City, IA
    3. July 8, 2024 – July Board Meeting – Sioux City WITCC campus – starting at 4:00 pm

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For more information about Student Activities on Campus, check out the Campus Calendar here.

IX. Adjournment Motion Needed